2022 Balloon Season Procedures

With Covid-19 in mind, we are continuing our additional safety procedures this season to protect our passengers and our team.

Health & Safety

1. Mask usage is at your discretion. Keep in mind you will be in close proximity to others while in our vehicle and in the balloon basket.

2.  We will have hand sanitizer available for your use.

3.  We have a cleaning plan in place for the equipment you may encounter during your balloon adventure. This includes the chase vehicle, basket, etc.

Important Health Self-Screening

If ANY MEMBER IN YOUR PARTY shows signs/symptoms of the virus, please contact us immediately and STAY HOME!!!!

If ANY MEMBER IN YOUR PARTY has tested positive for the COVID virus, the following criteria must be met by said individuals before you can fly with us:

symptoms have improved (for example, when their cough or shortness of breath have improved)


at least 10 days have passed since their symptoms first appeared

Flexible Cancelation:

In the event you are forced to cancel your flight due to the reasons stated in Health Self-Screening, there will be no penalty incurred IF documentation of a Rapid or PCR test done by a healthcare professional is provided to CT Ballooning. This test must have been performed within 48 hours of your scheduled flight and home test kit results are not acceptable.